Data and reference checking
Committed to unbiased transparency when checking data correctness.
Fact checking and gap assessment can be initiated at any point of document development. Earlier fact checking reduces lack of informative details, inaccuracy and false claims being repeated. Having your information checked for accuracy and completeness will influence understanding and interpretation.
Reliable sources for fact checking can be from journal articles, government websites, industry leaders and top-ranked media. The three phases are finding fact checkable claims, finding the facts and correcting the records.
Correctness of facts is determined by assessing expertise of the author, rigour in data collection, transparency of records and reputation for quality standards in practice.
Fact checking initiates are catalogued for review. Records are kept of topic selection, screenshot evidence, website links to content and reference to selected content with line numbers.
What aspects of information are investigated?
What are the channels of fact checking?
Correcting Misperceptions
What is the accuracy of the claim?
Political & Cultural Sensitivity
Political and cultural awareness of presenting information to promote positive discource.
Fake News
Checking for biased or incorrect information.
Social Media
Seeking a realistic perception of analytic results from social media.
Critical selection
Claim evaluation