Supportive research for recruitment and retention in clinical trials

Development of Trial Evidence

Understanding integrity and feasibility of participant data requires a trustworthy environment with the ease of access to use key performance indicators (KPIs). They can help identify strengths and weaknesses of your clinical trial for establishing benchmarking analysis, allocating time and resources. Medical Presentations can issue scientific information essential for clinical trial documents to align you with site payment incentives. Authoritative data for recruitment and retention in trials needs to be honorarium and with beneficence.

The high level involvement of investing, Research & Development (R&D) Tax Incentive with strong intellectual property (IP) protection for proportions of data with integrity enable experimental activities for eligible research and development of research centre databases.

Improve designing trials by tracking KPIs according to legislative instruments:

  • The Days From Start of Recruitment Until end of Recruitment

  • Cost per Enrolled Subjects

  • Time From Ethics Committee Submission to Approval 

  • Trial Retention of Participants

Measuring activity and monitoring clinical trial programs with apps like ClinTrial Refer will increase access to productive information transferable for Australian clinical trial sites.
Meeting the protocol criteria for regulatory controls with safe recruitment of participants and sponsors, preclinical and early phase data, strengthens capabilities for clinical trials. With growth and demand, researchers of clinical trial sites and trials require research to measure suitable volunteers, trial awareness and My Health Records to achieve goals.

Achieve data metrics and research to complete your clinical trial demonstrating impact.

Authoritative Data to Improve Recruitment and Retention

Minimising variability in risk and performance, selecting participants with exclusion criteria, eligibility and scope of practice can achieve quality metrics using valuable data to support protocol compliance. 

The best set of categorical variabilities include essentially positive or negative life events, capacity of collaboration, understanding and acceptance of the treatment plan, treatment options, concomitant treatments, side effects of treatments, course of action if current symptoms worsen and interference with adherence.

To optimise the internal validity and feasibility of the trial, excluding non-compliant participants, the potentially non-adherent due to conceived time demands regarding access to interventions and those vulnerable to safety or ethical issues.

Flexible inclusion ranges of eligibility criteria with justifiable research into enrolment opportunities in clinical trials requires correlation analysis of information. Relative data validation to adequately capture the terminology used, evaluate participant cooperation, calculate enrolment rate of studies, identify broad debate topics, use scoring measure of trial questionnaires and submit work to match opportunities with participants achieve dependant balancing selections.

Broadening scope for the clinical trial can be attained by managing access and depth of participant information according to participant preference and defining the enrolment rate of clinical trials site choice.  The benefits reduce unwarranted variations relevant to your trial by improving participant satisfaction and comply with regulations. 

Recruitment is dependent on the capabilities of relevant methods to reduce study concerns and increase the likelihood of participation with participant and clinical trial team education.

The Days From Start of Recruitment Until end of Recruitment

The impact of slow times to trial start up, was reported by 'The Australian Government Department of Health' to have influence with company decisions for sponsoring Australian clinical trials sites.  Ability to meet recruitment targets, increase capacity and promote the reputation of sponsors requires the provision of quality data. With concerns of sponsor organisations and site investigators overestimating participant recruitment numbers, adequate support and resource opportunities for institutions are essential.  

Engagement with consumers, social media, national and international access enable issues to be identified for suitable participant selection needing large scale data, for competitive recruiting of Phase II and III trials.  Raising awareness with clinical research and developing metrics benefits consumers with strategic initiatives of recruiting clinical trial participants.

Improving your questionnaire, consent form, literature review and facts sheets outlining the benefits and risks of clinical trials increase participant willingness to be recruited, with a trusting communicative relationship.  Solutions to recruitment and retention in clinical trials lead practice with the use of financial incentives, new approaches increase the available eligible participants to take part in trials.

Allow for greater focus, prioritise the investment of your trial, be provided with the most potential trial participants during the recruitment phase.

Cost per Enrolled Subjects

While Australia is a favourable location for clinical trials, relatively high costs can disadvantage study recruitment. Clinical trial sites and institutions are competitive with reputation and profitability. Meeting recruitment targets with a patient-centric approach reduces selection bias. Medical Presentations can help you increase engagement with participant awareness and willingness in clinical trials.

Literature review online research
Participant profiling identifying vulnerable participants
Recruitment material
Research in online opinions
Simplifying the informed consent forms
Surveys considering flexible schedules
Phone interviews with allocated time for individuals who do not speak English 

Time From Ethics Committee Submission to Approval 

Impact on timely ethics, delays in ethic submission approval, can indicate risk of the legal proposed research, loss of opportunities for publication and retraction of funding from sponsors. Government approval standards include trials of products not needing Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) notification.  The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research identifies issues for the integrity of research ensuring only low risk and negligible risk research.

Reluctance to design your clinical trial with evidence of optimal sample size allocation will result in clinical research with randomised unequal treatment group sizes.  Additional support in selecting prospective recruitment of participants will engage the community. 

Setting clear goals with quality data identifying specific issues in literature can affect planned recruitment, trial numbers and randomisation techniques to strengthen knowledge reflecting larger amounts of disease burden. 

Justifications of probable risks to the participants, societal benefits, importance of the clinical trial research and resources will support trial timeliness and reduce bias in your clinical trial. 

Trial Retention of Participants

Evidence you can trust, a coordinated approach, awareness of retention challenges and implemented strategies at trial design need scientific justification. Capacity to achieve trial retention targets with sponsors require incentives.  Assessing adherence problems, communication resources, and time allocation enable planning for honest and realistic risk control.  Development of participant knowledge, reducing time commitments, offering options to reduce task demands will advantage cost efficiency of trials and increase trial retention. 

We can support your team with research to clearly define problems specific to participant retention for your clinical trial.  Issues in the readability of documents and discrepancies existing between the protocol summary and consent form impact participant non-adherence and withdrawal.  Provisions for responsible inclusion of non-English speakers reduce the likeliness of reluctance to participate with follow up during the trial.

Readability of the consent form, respectfully, without withdrawal terminology, need for after treatment investigation and promotions for sustained participation renew the commitment.

Essential clinical trial documents

Sponsorship proposals

Trial protocol or project description

Trial protocol amendments

Protocol for recruitment strategies and/or data collection

Participant information statements consent forms 

Strategic letters or emails to participants 

Participant information materials

Phone surveys for phase 2 or more trials


Website content

App content

Delivering information revised and edited raises awareness to value participation in the clinical trial, safety and wellbeing of your participants, while reducing unnecessary participant inequity by retention.  Advancing specific practices in treatments with respondents implies clinical sector improvements. Competitive advantage of sites for clinical trials results from capacity to promote visibility of feasibility assessment, best practices for subject recruitment and retention.

Researchers with scientific databases accessing datasets need support to understand how to extract accurate information. Experimental activities for the tax incentive registration are eligible as supporting R&D activities. Measuring fully analysed data of trials needs valid and reliable scales. Whether carrying out independent research or developmental programs, we can compare datasets, identify opportunities to make use of biases in representing variables, quantify variabilities, specify patterns of spacial aggregations, and advantage methodologies to assimilate data sets.
